
Having a clean grilling surface is about more than just looks, it is also a safety concern.  Carcinogens can build up on cooking grates over time and may alter the taste of your food.  Raw meat bacteria such as salmonella or even animal droppings are among other harmful dangers that may be hiding in dirty cooking grates.

Starting at $250
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Typical repairs such as burner replacements, ignitions, valve replacements and many others can be overwhelming and costly.  The Grill Guys has years of knowledge and experience repairing and troubleshooting these problems.


The process of installing outdoor appliances is not always as simple as connecting a power source, gas line, or propane tank.  Installations can often require modifications to supporting structures or can require installation by a professional to maintain factory warranty coverage.

Our technicians are manufacturer-trained to properly install BBQ Grills, Outdoor Heaters, Fire Pit Rings, and Fireplace Burners.

Prices may vary.

Call for more information 805-419-0296

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As with any vehicle, routine maintenance for BBQ grills, outdoor heaters, and fireplaces should be scheduled regularly.  Don't jeopardize a special event or party with that unexpected problem at the worst possible moment.  Routine maintenance is the best way to ensure that your outdoor appliances are in working condition when needed.

Prices may vary.

Call for more information 805-419-0296

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